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October 20, 2017 8-10PM

Event Type: Lecture and Stargazing
Title: Cosmic Fireworks
Lecturer: Mansi Kasliwal
Position: Faculty
Institution: Caltech
Our dynamic Universe is adorned by cosmic fireworks: energetic and ephemeral beacons of light that are a million (nova) to a billion (supernova) times brighter than our sun. Lately, we have discovered new types of optical and infrared fireworks with luminosities in the gap between novae and supernovae. The astrophysics of the new fireworks suggests we are witnessing stellar mergers (e.g. white dwarfs merging with neutron stars, neutron stars merging with black holes). The astrochemistry of the new fireworks suggests they serve as cosmic mines where various elements in the periodic table (e.g., Calcium, Platinum) are synthesized.


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