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July 10, 2020 7-9PM

Event Type: Lecture and Stargazing
Title: You'll Know It When You See It: Defining, Describing, and Detecting Life in the Universe
Lecturer: Cecilia Sanders
Position: PhD Candidate
Institution: Caltech
When scientists search for life in the universe, what in the world are we looking for? What kinds of "fingerprints" or signatures do living things leave behind on their non-living surroundings, and what tools do we need to detect them? In this talk, I will attempt to define life, give a brief history of life (as we know it) in the universe, and talk through some of the astro-bio-geo-chemical techniques that we use to study it.


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JPEGjpg 20200710V.jpg r1 manage 187.7 K 2020-07-08 - 19:53 OutreachAdmin  
Topic revision: r1 - 2020-07-08 - OutreachAdmin
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