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June 3, 2022 7-9PM

Event Type: Lecture and Stargazing
Title: Planetquake: what vibrations can tell us about the interiors of gas giant planets
Lecturer: Janosz Dewberry
Position: Postdoc
Institution: Caltech
Conditions deep inside Jupiter and Saturn are hard to measure directly. Luckily, seismic vibrations similar to earthquakes provide a window into the internal structures of both planets. I will talk about what we can learn from vibrations in Saturn that disturb the planet's rings, and how waves in both Jupiter and Saturn may affect the outward travel of their satellite moons.


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JPEGjpg 20220603V.jpg r1 manage 161.6 K 2022-05-27 - 18:52 OutreachAdmin  
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Topic revision: r5 - 2022-05-27 - OutreachAdmin
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