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Pasadena Unified School District Science Fair

We'll have two tables at the PUSD science fair doing science demos for the day. One table will be focused on solar observation and the Sun with an H-alpha solar telescope, a white-light solar telescope, and igniting marshmallows with a parabolic reflector. The other table will be focused on "building a comet" using dry ice and other household materials.

Volunteer Shifts

First Shift (11:30-2:30): Qicheng Zhang, Yosh Tomar, Ed Nathan, Kaustav Das, Kathryn Plant (only til 1PM), Rocio Kiman (only til 1PM) Second Shift (2:30-5:30): Xander Hall, Isabel Sands, Carlos Ayala, Cameron Hummels

Please arrive on time, as it's hard on your teammates to show up late, since we really need everyone to succeed with this.

Parking and Directions

The event will take place at John Muir High School about 4 miles west of Caltech near the Rose Bowl. Parking is somewhat tight, so it would be good to maximize carpooling. We are only allowed 3 cars each shift in the parking lot adjacent to the school: Lot A, which should be reserved for team members who are bringing the equipment (you'll need a parking permit from me). Other people should park in Lot F, which is about a 2 minute walk away. I've made spots on the Signup Sheet for people who are driving and can give rides, or for people who need rides. We can also figure it out at the debriefing on Friday at 4:30PM.

Once you arrive at the parking lot, walk to where our tables are going to be set up. We're in Section I (letter I), and we have tables 8 and 38, which are adjacent to each other, one in the shade (comet) and one in the sunlight (marshmallow). Have someone go to "booth check-in" to tell them we're there. See map (and this google map link):


The table in the Sun will have the solar telescopes and the ignite-a-marshmallow activity. The table in the shade will be doing the build-a-comet activity. We'll likely need two people on each activity, but if short on people, we can have only a single person doing the build-a-comet demo and two people on the solar telescope and marshmallow activities. I'll discuss these activities at our meeting tomorrow for those of you who haven't performed them before.

I'll also include some Caltech Astro tablecloths, our sandwich board to advertise things, and some small chalkboards for labeling our tables with activities.

Please read over the instructions for our two demos: the build-a-comet and ignite-a-marshmallow activities and we can figure out who will do what tomorrow at 4:30PM.


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