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July 14, 2023 8-10PM

Event Type: Lecture and Stargazing
Title: Searching for Extrasolar Planets with the Keck Planet Finder
Lecturer: Andrew Howard
Position: Professor
Institution: Caltech
The search for extrasolar planets has uncovered a dizzying array of planetary systems. We have found new planet types – lava worlds and super-Earths – as well as planets orbiting more than one star. We will tour this diverse landscape and discuss how a new tool called the Keck Planet Finder that was recently installed on the mighty 10-meter Keck Telescope is helping us unravel the mysteries of these planets.


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JPEGjpg 20230714V.jpg r1 manage 189.4 K 2023-07-07 - 22:01 OutreachAdmin  
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