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Astronomy on Tap

Astronomy on Tap is a nontraditional outreach event held in a pub. The general format is to have a few different short and informal science talks hosted in a local bar, with extended intermission between them so that members of the public can interact with the scientists present. It was originally organized in NYC in 2013, and has since spread to many cities around the US.

During COVID, we held these events online, broadcasting over YouTube Live, but starting in Summer 2022, we're back in person at the Dog Haus Biergarten in Old Town Pasadena. For photos from our previous Astronomy on Tap events, please see our Flickr Page or video recordings from our online events during COVID, see our YouTube Channel.

The talks are on the astronomical topic of the speaker's choosing, but they're meant to be pretty informal. Drinking is encouraged for both speakers and audience members. Talks should be about ~15 minutes long with ~10 minutes for questions. After the two talks and Q&A which takes about an hour, we have astronomy-themed pub trivia for our online audience, and the speakers are encouraged to stick around and discuss the answers. Overall it's lots of fun for everyone and gets 1-200 live viewers and then 1-2000 viewers afterwards.

Rough Schedule of Event

Time (relative to start) e.g. Start at 7:30PM At Bar
-00:20 - 00:00 7:10 - 7:30 Arrive, Setup, and Have a Drink
00:00 - 00:30 7:30 - 8:15 First Talk and Questions
00:30 - 01:00 8:15 - 9:00 Second Talk and Questions
01:00 - 02:00 9:00 - 9:30 Pub Trivia Answers and Prizes

Instructions for Volunteers

  • 1 MC - Announcements, organization, panel, and quiz
  • 2 Speakers - Presentation for 15 minutes

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Topic revision: r17 - 2023-07-14 - OutreachAdmin
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