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February Targets

These are deep sky targets seen from Caltech 7-10PM Local in February.

Object Alternative Names Type Brightness Surface Brightness Size Suggested Telescope/Eyepiece Notes Links for More Information
Pleiades M45, Subaru open cluster 1.6 11.1 110' >= 8" with 32mm+ eyepiece 100 Myr-old star cluster, 440 lyr away, containing ~500 members total. Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
Orion Nebula M42 emission nebula 4.0 13.1 85' x 60' >= 8" with 32mm+ eyepiece Bright emission nebula inside the nearest star-forming region. The four 1 Myr-old "Trapezium" stars at the heart are responsible for ionizing the surrounding gas and making it glow. 1.3 klyr away. Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
Beehive Cluster M44 Open Cluster 3.1 12.1 90' >= 10" 750 Myr old, 600 lyr away Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
Double Cluster NGC869 + NGC884 Caldwell 14 Open Cluster 3.8 10.9 60' >= 10" Two bright, resolved star clusters side by side. Need wide FOV. Both are young clusters, 7 klyr away, ~14 Myr old, containing luminous B stars Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
Owl Cluster NGC457, Dragonfly Cluster, ET Cluster Open Cluster 6.4 12.6 13' >= 8" 10 klyr distant cluster shaped like a bird with wings, with two bright stars for eyes. Brightest of "eyes" is foreground star, dimmer is a cluster member Starchart Wikipedia
Andromeda Galaxy M31 Spiral galaxy 3.4 13.4 178'x63' >= 10" Can only see core in telescope, appears as faint, white cloud. 2.5 Mlyr distant. Similar in mass and luminosity to Milky Way. Moving toward us at 70miles/s; Collision expected in 2.5 Gyr Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
Christmas Tree Cluster NGC2264, Cone Nebula Open Cluster 3.9 8.25 20' >= 8" Young star cluster embedded in faint emission nebula; 2.6 klyr away, ~3 Myr old; brightest member is a binary O star SEDS Wikipedia
Almach Gamma Andromedae Double Star 2.3 and 5.1 - 10" apart >= 6" Often considered the most beautiful high color contrast double star visible. 350 lyrs away. Redder and brighter star is a K giant, secondary star is itself an unresolved triple star system with A and B dwarfs. Wikipedia
Topic revision: r1 - 2016-04-12 - OutreachAdmin
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