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July Targets

These are deep sky targets seen from Caltech 9-11PM Local in July.

Object Alternative Names Type Brightness Surface Brightness Size Suggested Telescope/Eyepiece Notes Links for More Information
M3 NGC5272 Globular Cluster 6.2 12.2 18' >= 10" One of the brightest and biggest globulars; 500,000 stars, 8 Gyr old, 34 klyr away Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
M13 NGC6205, Hercules Cluster Globular Cluster 5.8 11.0 20' >= 10" Appears as a faint white cloud, can resolve some stars: 300,000 stars, 11.6 Gyr old, 22 klyr away; the Arecibo Message, one of the first attempts at communicating with extraterrestrials was beamed at M13 Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
M5 NGC5904 Globular Cluster 6.7 13.2 23' >= 10" One of the most voluminous globular clusters in the Milky Way, with a width of 165 lyr. 25 klyr away, contains several hundred thousands stars Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
Ring Nebula M57 Planetary Nebula 8.8 10.9 230" >= 10" Appears as a faintly colored ring, small. Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
Alcor & Mizar Horse and Rider, Handle of Big Dipper Double Star 0.33 - 14" apart >= 6" Historically used by many cultures as a test of vision to identify the two stars separately; 85 lyr away. Space.com Wikipedia
Albireo   Double Star 0.33 - 35" apart >= 6" High constrast binary with one star red, one star blue. Good excuse to talk about stellar types and colors and evolution. EarthSky Wikipedia
Topic revision: r1 - 2016-07-04 - OutreachAdmin
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