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Directions for Setting Up Overcapacity Seating and Livecast of Lectures

When we expect a large audience for a lecture that is significantly over the 150 capacity of the Hameetman Auditorium, we should set up overflow seating. High-profile scientists speaking, or astronomical events like eclipses or transits, or just if the Facebook Event has a large number of people signed up to attend are all reasons to expect a big turnout. We can use the fact that the lecture hall records and broadcasts the recording online to set up seating in another location where additional audience members can watch the lecture. It takes some extra equipment and time, but this has the capacity to seat an additional 100 people comfortably.


  • Back patio
  • Cahill Library

We have set this up on the back patio and Cahill Library successfully. The back patio seats has more capacity, but it only works for nights when it is dark enough at lecture start and there is no chance of precipitation and wind is low (to not blow down the projector screen). Alternatively, the library makes a good option for mildly overcapacity crowds, and it takes less time to set up. However, if the Library is to be used, you must have someone present at all times to assure no one steals books or breaks computers or whatnot. In any case, consideration must be given before employing any of these actions. If done indoors, extension cord and portable projection screen are not necessary.

Equipment Needed

  • Laptop computer (yours or a colleague's) with an ethernet port and VGA port (Cameron has appropriate dongles for macs)
  • Digital projector (from the Cahill Library)
  • Small table for digital projector (from the Cahill Library)
  • Loud speakers (Cameron has a pair)
  • Projector screen (Patio Only: get portable screen in colloquium supply room--get key from Judy)
  • Long extension cable (Patio Only: Cameron has an extra one)
  • Long ethernet cable (Cameron has an extra one)
  • Chairs (library, Hameetman auditorium)


  • Obtain the necessary equipment above from Cameron (and Judy).
  • Create rows of seating from the patio chairs, library chairs, and perhaps the extra chairs at the front of Hameetman. I usually set up ~50.
  • (Patio only) Set up projection screen next to the building facing towards the athletic fields. The lighting isn't ideal, but this minimizes wind's effects on the screen.
  • (Patio only) Run extension cords, both power and ethernet from Library out to the back patio. Do not go through the emergency exit, as it will set off a loud alarm that is impossible to stifle until Caltech Security arrives.
  • Use extension cord to power projector and speakers.
  • Connect computer to ethernet (through dongle if necessary) Ethernet port on floor near projector in library or near library door.
  • Connect computer to projector.
  • Connect speakers to 1/8" port on laptop and test speaker volume. Note: if you're using HMDI to connect your laptop to the projector, the computer may try to route the sound through the HDMI port instead of the audio output. You may need to go into audio settings on your computer to make sure it outputs to the 1/8" jack.
  • Turn on projector with remote and set it up on small table pointed toward projector screen. Test that it's mirroring your screen.
  • Load up a web browser on your computer to live-cast the presentation. Echo360 live-cast operates in browser, but requires a working version of Flash to run. FireFox browser works better than Chrome for this.
  • Go to recording website: https://echo360.org/section/df8345ec-7d0c-4dc3-b450-65a423c24650/public You should see a list of all previous and planned lectures. Once the lecture has begun, click "Live" button and begin stream. Click: "broadcast" in middle of screen.
  • Leave at least one lecture (or two!) volunteer with live-cast to manage equipment or report problems during the event.
  • As people arrive, let them know that overflow seating exists and direct them accordingly.
  • After lecture is complete and people disperse to telescopes and panel Q&A, have one lecture volunteer start to take things down, at least taking expensive equipment inside (computer, projector, speakers, etc.). Close and lock door of library and patio during expert panel so no one steals anything.
  • At the end of the night, everyone can assist in putting chairs back, etc.


  • Ethernet cable must be used, as the caltech wifi network is too unreliable and cuts out every 10 seconds or so.
  • The setup process takes some time, so you may want to have volunteers arrive 45 minutes in advance and put 2 people on just setting up the back patio following these instructions.
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Topic revision: r4 - 2019-06-14 - OutreachAdmin
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