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November Targets

These are deep sky targets seen from Caltech 8-10PM Local in November.

Object Alternative Names Type Brightness Surface Brightness Size Suggested Telescope/Eyepiece Notes Links for More Information
Double Cluster NGC869 + NGC884 Caldwell 14 Open Cluster 3.8 10.9 60' >= 10" Two bright, resolved star clusters side by side. Need wide FOV. Both are young clusters, 7 klyr away, ~14 Myr old, containing luminous B stars Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
Andromeda Galaxy M31 Spiral galaxy 3.4 13.4 178'x63' >= 10" Can only see core in telescope, appears as faint, white cloud. 2.5 Mlyr distant. Similar in mass and luminosity to Milky Way. Moving toward us at 70miles/s; Collision expected in 2.5 Gyr Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
Pleiades M45, Subaru open cluster 1.6 11.1 110' >= 8" with 32mm+ eyepiece 100 Myr-old star cluster, 440 lyr away, containing ~500 members total. Astropixels SEDS Wikipedia
Owl Cluster NGC457, Dragonfly Cluster, ET Cluster Open Cluster 6.4 12.6 13' >= 8" 10 klyr distant cluster shaped like a bird with wings, with two bright stars for eyes. Brightest of "eyes" is foreground star, dimmer is a cluster member Starchart Wikipedia
Almach Gamma Andromedae Double Star 2.3 and 5.1 - 10" apart >= 6" Often considered the most beautiful high color contrast double star visible. 350 lyrs away. Redder and brighter star is a K giant, secondary star is itself an unresolved triple star system with A and B dwarfs. Wikipedia
Topic revision: r1 - 2016-07-04 - OutreachAdmin
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