Template webs contain a set of default topics and act as templates when creating a new web. Names of template webs begin with an underscore "_" character, such as _default
. Names of regular webs begin with an uppercase letter, such as Main
An administrator can select a template web from the "based on web" picklist when creating a new web in the ManagingWebs topic. Template webs are otherwise invisible.
The _default web template contains the following topics: WebHome, WebAtom, WebChanges, WebCreateNewTopic, WebIndex, WebLeftBar, WebNotify, WebPreferences, WebRss, WebSearch, WebSearchAdvanced, WebStatistics, WebTopicList and WebTopMenu.
The web template is useful for administrators to design for creating webs of a certain type. Departmental webs can at least begin with a similar look and feel.
Simply create a web with an underscore for the first character. These can be used by authorized users to create webs from this template.
Related topics: ManagingWebs, AdminToolsCategory
-- Contributor: TWiki:Main/GrantBow, TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny