Reports are of format %USERREPORT{ action="..." ... }%
, where the action determines the kind of report. Each report supports additional parameters.
Show a simple list of registered users. The output is a comma-space delimited sorted list of WikiWords of users (without web prefix), which can be used as input for other reports on this page.
: Apply filter by searching all form fields, but not the main topic text. Optional; all users are returned if missing.
: Limits the number of users returned. Optional; all users are returned if missing.
: Sort the result by the topic name, topic creation date, last modified date, last editor, or named field of TWikiForms. For details see sort
parameter of SEARCH.
: Reverse the direction of the search result
This report also sets a "UserReports_users"
variable to the number of users found. To retrieve, write %GET{UserReports_users}%
Usage example:
%USERREPORT{ action="user_list" search="jane" limit="5" }%
Sample output:
AndersThygesen, AnuMahabal, OutreachAdmin, TempAdmin
Show the profile picture image of a user. A default image is returned in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user. The output is an <img />
tag that can be embedded in other tags such as links.
: WikiWord of user, required.
: Width of image, optional.
: Height of image, optional. The aspect ratio is preserved unless width and height are specified. If width and height are missing, a height of 100 pixels is used.
: Title parameter of img tag, optional.
Usage example:
%USERREPORT{ action="profile_picture" user="TWikiGuest" height="40" title="TWikiGuest" }% %USERREPORT{ action="profile_picture" user="AmandaBoris" height="40" title="AmandaBoris" }%
Sample output:
Show a user signature with profile picture, optionally followed by a date or other text. A default image is shown in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user.
: WikiWord of user, required. Optionally followed by a date or other text.
: Width of image, optional.
: Height of image, optional. The aspect ratio is preserved unless width and height are specified. If width and height are missing, a height of 18 pixels is used.
In addition, a USERSIG preferences setting is defined as a shortcut, so that a simple %USERSIG{TWikiGuest}%
can be used.
Usage example:
-- %USERREPORT{ action="user_sig" user="TWikiGuest - 2025-03-16" }% -- %USERSIG{TWikiGuest}% -- %USERSIG{TWikiGuest - 2025-03-16}%
Sample output:
-- TWiki Guest - 2025-03-16
-- TWiki Guest
Show a faded comment bubble and user signature with profile picture, optionally followed by a date or other text. A default image is shown in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user. This is used for CommentPlugin signatures.
: WikiWord of user, required. Optionally followed by a date or other text.
In addition, a BUBBLESIG preferences setting is defined as a shortcut, so that a simple %BUBBLESIG{TWikiGuest}%
can be used.
Usage example:
Test comment using USERREPORT -- %USERREPORT{ action="bubble_sig" user="TWikiGuest - 2025-03-16" }% Test comment using BUBBLESIG -- %BUBBLESIG{TWikiGuest - 2025-03-16}%
Sample output:
Test comment using USERREPORT
Test comment using BUBBLESIG
: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of slim boxes. Default: padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color:#f0f0f4;
: Specify the WikiWord of a single user.
: Optional, overrides the css of the slim box. Default: float: left; width: 130px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #f8f8fb;
: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action.
: Optional, same as action "slim_box".
Usage example:
%USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_start" }% %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box" user="TWikiGuest" }% %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box" user="JaneSmith" }% %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_end" }% %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }% %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }% %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_end" }%
Sample output:
: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of small boxes. Default: padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color:#f0f0f4;
: Specify the WikiWord of a single user.
: Optional, overrides the css of the small box. Default: float: left; width: 130px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #f8f8fb;
: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action.
: Optional, same as action "small_box".
Usage example:
%USERREPORT{ action="small_box_start" }% %USERREPORT{ action="small_box" user="TWikiGuest" }% %USERREPORT{ action="small_box" user="JaneSmith" }% %USERREPORT{ action="small_box_end" }% %USERREPORT{ action="small_box_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }% %USERREPORT{ action="small_box_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }% %USERREPORT{ action="small_box_end" }%
Sample output:
: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of business cards. Default: padding:10px 15px 1px 15px; background-color:#f0f0f4;
: Specify the WikiWord of a single user.
: Optional, overrides the css of the business card. Default: float: left; width: 410px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #fff;
: Specify a list of WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action.
: Optional, same as action "business_card".
Usage examples:
%USERREPORT{ action="business_card_start" }% %USERREPORT{ action="business_card" user="TWikiGuest" }% %USERREPORT{ action="business_card" user="JaneSmith" }% %USERREPORT{ action="business_card_end" }% %USERREPORT{ action="business_card_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }% %USERREPORT{ action="business_card_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }% %USERREPORT{ action="business_card_end" }%
Sample output:
Show a selector to pick a user, for use in HTML forms.
: Name of form field, required.
: WikiWord name of a user, optional.
: Specify a list of WikiWords of users, optional. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action. All registered users are shown if the parameter is missing.
: Label of first option, optional. Default: Select...
: Value of first option, optional. Default: empty value
Usage example:
<form> %USERREPORT{ action="select_one_user" name="Owner" selected="TWikiGuest" }% </form>
Sample output:
: Name of form field, required.
: List of WikiWord names indicating the selected users, optional.
: Specify a list of WikiWords of users, optional. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action. All registered users are shown if the parameter is missing.
: Define number of columns, optional. Default: 5
: Set the css of the container div, optional. Default: margin: 0; border: 1px solid transparent;
Usage example:
<form> %USERREPORT{ action="select_users" name="Members" selected="TWikiGuest, AmandaBoris" }% </form>
Sample output:
Note to Maintainer:
%USERREPORT{ action="foo" ... }%
instead of the more verbose parameterized include %INCLUDE{ "%SYSTEMWEB%.UserReports" section="foo" ... }%
Related topics: TWikiGroups, TWikiUsers, UserList, UserListByDateJoined, UserListByLocation, VarUSERREPORT, TWikiUserMappingContrib
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 2014-10-04