ZTF Bright Transient Survey Sample Explorer

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16 candidates returned by query. [link]
PS1 Lightcurve ZTF IDTNS IDRADec time mag Mabs Duration Rise Fade Type Redshift b AV
ZTF18abqycitSN2024ttf 01:26:23.83-18:31:47.4 2555.96 g = 16.78 -19.04 23.248 11.27411.974 SN Ia 0.03271 -78.23 0.054
ZTF24abfxhtaAT2024uua 00:04:17.07-08:38:45.8 2569.81 g = 16.51 - >4.247 4.247>0 - - -68.41 0.083
ZTF24aaxdojcSN2024ptp 02:43:36.03-11:01:21.4 2527.98 g = 16.25 -18.52 >11.687 >0>11.687 SN Ia 0.02 -59.12 0.073
ZTF24abbiqobSN2024see 21:42:39.57-18:22:04.0 2551.79 g = 16.79 -18.90 24.606 9.65914.947 SN Ia 0.03 -45.86 0.105
ZTF24abfmniySN2024uqg 02:55:19.48+08:49:38.1 2568.88 r = 16.71 -19.12 >6.281 6.221>0.06 SN Ia 0.0267 -43.16 0.62
ZTF22abbgyviSN2024rxa 23:15:26.14+22:44:31.7 2547.93 r = 16.67 -18.38 21.925 12.2579.668 SN Ia 0.02 -35.00 0.448
ZTF24abbwkciSN2024sht 01:52:46.19+36:37:05.3 2552.87 r = 15.90 -18.77 20.766 8.10512.661 SN Ia 0.01848 -24.64 0.194
ZTF24abgocjpSN2024sag 05:35:28.82-17:48:03.6 2564.97 r = 16.72 -16.60 >2.02 >0>2.02 SN Ia-91bg 0.01 -24.53 0.187
ZTF24abdndjiSN2024ttn 02:24:02.41+35:29:08.1 2565.84 g = 16.86 -19.64 >11.521 8.431>3.09 SN Ia 0.04106 -23.68 0.207
ZTF19aaprygiAT2019aave 22:30:41.08+39:17:30.4 2490.95 g = 15.51 - 20.192 6.53313.659 - - -15.91 0.405
ZTF24abfawevSN2024ulg 17:30:45.28+18:20:18.5 2568.69 r = 16.76 -17.94 >10.222 7.232>2.99 SN Ia 0.019 25.77 0.156
ZTF24abejmqzSN2024uai 07:32:18.75+85:42:28.4 2558.92 r = 15.78 -16.50 >10.407 >3.996.417 SN Ia-91bg 0.006 27.81 0.261
ZTF24abdphguSN2024uhc 08:28:29.91+17:27:47.9 2556.01 r = 16.86 -18.02 >6.01 >0.01>6 SN Ia 0.02106 29.06 0.108
ZTF24abdebfmSN2024syh 17:55:16.16+58:54:38.4 2569.70 r = 16.95 -19.85 >13.179 13.179>0 SN Ia 0.05 30.13 0.132
ZTF24abgoksiSN2024vcs 08:48:26.84+14:39:56.5 2563.01 r = 15.74 -17.49 >7.01 >1>6.01 SN II 0.01 32.42 0.07
ZTF24abcfiffSN2024slm 16:10:30.37+27:30:05.3 2558.67 g = 16.67 -19.18 >19.636 8.626>11.01 SN Ia 0.032 46.09 0.121

Current time: 2024-09-19 01:46:53 UTC (t=2572.57)
Database last updated: 2024-09-18 18:40:42 UTC (t=2572.27 / 7.10 hr ago)

Page developed by D. Perley