ZTF Bright Transient Survey Sample Explorer

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..... Require peak after May 2018
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8 candidates returned by query. [link]
PS1 Lightcurve ZTF IDTNS IDRADec time mag Mabs Duration Rise Fade Type Redshift b AV
ZTF19aadpqnbSN2019rn 02:17:59.61+14:32:00.3 511.66 g = 16.94 -17.17 27.594 8.9518.644 SN IIb 0.013 -43.34 0.309
ZTF19aanbpusSN2020yvt 10:03:51.86+59:26:09.9 1171.99 r = 16.13 -17.06 17.966 9.1998.767 SN IIb 0.00996 46.85 0.036
ZTF19acxxwviSN2019wqq 10:35:04.83+46:33:38.2 837.96 r = 16.92 -16.55 19.169 10.149.029 SN IIb 0.01123 56.92 0.061
ZTF24aankvcySN2024iss 12:59:06.14+28:48:42.6 2455.80 r = 13.32 -17.48 >25.688 >1213.688 SN IIb 0.00333 87.61 0.027
ZTF22aaotgrcSN2022ngb 18:56:51.48+36:37:07.8 1776.73 r = 16.48 -16.67 27.266 12.90714.359 SN IIb 0.009 14.78 0.261
ZTF23aaawbscSN2023aew 17:40:51.35+66:12:22.7 2073.91 r = 16.52 -18.73 44.464 16.42928.035 SN IIb 0.025 31.74 0.106
ZTF20acwqqjsSN2020acat 11:50:41.22-10:13:39.0 1217.02 r = 15.25 -17.46 29.026 19.02510.001 SN IIb 0.0079 49.84 0.065
ZTF20aatzhhlSN2020fqv 12:36:33.25+11:13:53.9 962.77 r = 15.52 -17.10 50.511 22.2128.301 SN IIb 0.00752 73.72 0.089

Current time: 2025-02-19 01:46:11 UTC (t=2725.57)
Database last updated: 2025-02-18 18:53:40 UTC (t=2725.28 / 6.87 hr ago)

Page developed by D. Perley