Times and Locations:



Weekly overview lecture: Mon 2 - 3 pm, Hameetman auditorium, Cahill.



Note: the attendance is mandatory! All are held in rm. 211 Cahill.

  • Section 1: Wed 1-2 pm, TA: Angela Gui, office hours: Wed 7-8 pm in the Blacker dining hall
  • Section 2: Wed 2-3 pm, TA: Daniel McAndrew, office hours: Wed 3:30-4:30 pm, in the Ricketts dining hall
  • Section 3: Thu 3-4 pm, TA: Lyra Cao, office hours: Thu 10 pm - 12 am in the Dabney lounge
  • Section 4: Fri 2-3 pm, TA: Rachel Theios (Head TA), office hours: Tue 1-2 pm in 244 Cahill

Section assignments. If you really must change it, please contact the Head TA, Rachel.


Instructor's office hours:

email me to schedule it.