Boomerang Publications and Funding Agencies
From the 2003 Long Duration Balloon Flight from Antarctica
- Cosmological Parameters from the 2003 Flight of Boomerang , C. J. MacTavish, et al., submitted to ApJ, 2005. (astro-ph/0507503) [pdf]
- A measurement of the angular power spectrum of the CMB temperature
anisotropy from the 2003 flight of Boomerang, W. C. Jones
et al., submitted to ApJ, 2005. (astro-ph/0507494) [pdf]
- A measurement of the polarization-temperature angular
cross power spectrum of the cosmie microwave background from the 2003
flight of Boomerang, F. Piacentini et al., submitted to ApJ,
2005. (astro-ph/0507507) [pdf]
- A measurement of the CMB <EE> Spectrum from the 2003 flight of
Boomerang, T. E. Montroy et al., submitted to ApJ, 2005.
(astro-ph/0507514) [pdf]
From the 1998 Long Duration Balloon Flight from Antarctica
- An Improved Measurement of the Angular Power Spectrum of Temperature
Anisotropy in the CMB from Two New Analyses of BOOMERANG Observations,
J.E. Ruhl, et al., Ap. J., December, 2002.
- Multiple Peaks in the Angular Power Spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave
Background: Significance and Consequences for Cosmology,
P. deBernardis, et al., Ap. J., 564, p559, 2002. [pdf]
- A measurement by BOOMERANG of multiple peaks
in the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background,
C.B. Netterfield, et al., Ap. J., 571, p604, 2002.
(astro-ph/0104460). [pdf]
- High-latitude Galactic dust emission in the BOOMERanG maps,
S. Masi, et al., Ap. J. 553, L93, 2001. (astro-ph/0101539).
- A flat universe from high-resolution maps of the cosmic microwave
background radiation, P. de Bernardis, et al., Nature, v404, p955,
2000. [pdf]
- Cosmological Parameters from the first results of Boomerang,
as accepted by Phys.Rev.D, A. E. Lange, et al.
- Observations of Galactic and Extra-Galactic Sources From the
Boomerang and SEST Telescopes , K. Coble, et al.
From the 1997 North American Test Flight data
- Measurement of a Peak in the Cosmic Microwave Background
Power Spectrum from the Test Flight of Boomerang,
P. Mauskopf et al., Ap. J. Letters,
536, L59, (2000). (astro-ph/9911444). [pdf]
- A Measurement of Omega From the Boomerang 1997 Test Flight,
A. Melchiorri et al., Ap. J. Letters, 536, L63, (2000).
Instrument papers and Conference Proceedings
- Boomerang : A Balloon-borne Millimeter Wave Telescope and Total Power
Receiver for Mapping Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background, B.P. Crill, et al., Ap.J.S.,148,527, (2003). [pdf]
- A Polarization Sensitive Bolometric Detector for Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background, astro-ph/0209132, September 8, 2002., W.C. Jones et al., in SPIE-Proceedings, Waikaloa, HI 2002. [postscript, pdf]
- CMB Angular Power Spectra and Cosmological Implications from the 2003 LDB flight of the Boomerang Telescope, Carolyn J. MacTavish, University of Toronto, June 2006. [postscript,pdf]
- A Measurement of the Temperature and Polarization Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, William C. Jones, California Institute of Technology, May 2005. [postscript,pdf]
- Measuring the Cosmic Microwave Background with BOOMERANG, Thomas E. Montroy, University of California, Dec 2003. [pdf]
- A Measurement of the Angular Power Spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave
Background with a Long Duration Balloon-borne Receiver, Brendan Crill,
California Institute of Technology, Nov 2000. [postscript,