The workshop will be compact (<35) to foster discussion. All participants are encouraged to mail, their bios (focusing on their work and interests) and a presentation of their work or their facility (for PIs) ahead of the meeting. Participants are expected to read and digest these "pre-meeting" presentations as a condition to attending the meeting. A few weeks before the meeting the organizers will announce discussion topics and assign one or two leads for each such topic. The leads are expected to consult interested participants and prepare a presentation. These presentations will be available before the meeting and form the corner stone of the meeting. There is no registration fee. The meeting costs have been underwritten by the Directors of the Carnegie Observatories and the Caltech Optical Observatories.
Location: Carnegie Observatories, 813 Santa Barbara St,
Pasadena, CA 91101
Dates: May 3 & 4, 2019 (Friday & Saturday)
Practical details:
Map |
Airports & Train Station
Ground Transportation
The SOC is J. Fuller (Caltech), J. Kollmeier (Carnegie; co-chair), S. Kulkarni (Caltech; co-chair) and T. A. Prince (Caltech).
List of Participants
Preceedings (Pre-meeting contributions)
Anna Ho's
"cheat sheet"
Argelander Stars: Prize & Pedagogy (a light & droll reading)