You can get a brief description of the syntax and options for makee by typing the command without any arguments (syntax for makee) .
Basic syntax for either HIRES or ESI data reductions:
   makee (object file) (star file) (flat file) [arc file] [2nd arc file]
There are three required parameters to "makee":
If you want a wavelength calibrated spectrum you must also specify:
You can also specify a short dark (or bias frame) using the "bias=" option, although it is not required.
For HIRES, all these FITS files must have (nearly) the same echelle angle and cross disperser angle (except for the short dark image), within a tolerance of 0.02 units (note) .
For ESI, all the FITS files should have the same slit width, however this is not required. It is probably most important to match the slit widths of the object and flat field, different widths for the trace star and arc lamp should not have a significant effect.
For more details on the input files, see "Input Files" . For more details on the output files, see "Output Files" . For an example reduction using makee, see "ESI Cookbook" or "HIRES Cookbook" .