MAKEE Keck Observatory HIRES Data Reduction Software (alternate site)

Last update December 2002 by Tom Barlow

NOTICE: Special note on Vacuum/Heliocentric wavelength scale and temperature variations.

NOTICE: A new version of makee (October 2000) is now available:    New features in October 2000 makee.

NOTICE: An April 2001 version can also be obtained. See here.

"MAKEE" (MAuna Kea Echelle Extraction) is a data reduction package for the HIRES instrument at Keck Observatory. It is optimized for the spectral extraction of single, unresolved point sources.

The program "makee" is designed to run non-interactively using a set of default parameters. Taking the raw HIRES FITS files as input, MAKEE produces spectral FITS images (each row is an echelle order). The data values are in arbitrary (relative) units, and each order has a 6th order polynomial heliocentric, vacuum wavelength scale (in Angstroms) stored in the FITS header.

Currently, the program will wavelength calibrate both data from the Red and UV HIRES cross dispersers. It can handle both 1x1 and 1x2 (column x row) binned data on the 2048x2048 HIRES CCD (more info) .

Main Documents
MAKEE Command Syntax MAKEE Theory of Operations
HIRES Reduction Cookbook ESI Reduction Cookbook
Pipeline Reduction Obtaining and Installing MAKEE

Special Topics
Description of Input Files Description of Output Files Viewing Your Spectra
Wavelength Scales Temperature effects on wavelength scale Description of Related Programs
HIRES Observing Strategies ESI Observing Strategies ESI Wavelength Calibration
Flux Calibration Recommended Standard Stars Combining Exposures
Extracting Resolved and Multiple Point Source Controlling the Object Extraction Boundaries Atmospheric Absorption Correction
FITS Header Cards IRAF Compatibility ...

Several "0." help files come with the makee package. These include:

OLD NOTICE: A new version (March 2000) of the makee software package is now available. This version fixes a "Y2K" type bug which resulted in incorrect heliocentric velocity corrections for year 2000 (and late 1999) observations. Obtain the new version here.
A link to Keck MAKEE home page: here .
A link to Keck HIRES home page: here .
A link to an alternate MAKEE home page at Caltech: here .