About this class:
The scope and the goals:
This is a very introductory, survey class about modern astronomy, intended for the non-astro/physics majors (who should take Ay 20 and Ay 21 instead). Our goals are both to teach you about our current (and still evolving) picture of the physical universe and the remarkable objects and phenomena in it, and also about how we know that - how our observations, interpreted in a framework of physics, lead us to that understanding.
The approach:
The class is divided into 20 thematic lectures, 2 per week, each of which is subdivided into several short modules. All of the lectures (videos + slides) are available to you on line, to watch (and re-watch as needed) on your own schedule and at your own convenience. We will have one weekly Zoom lecture (Mondays 2-3 pm), to summarize and clarify the key ideas and concepts for that week, Q&A, etc. The attendance is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended.
There will be also 1 weekly Zoom recitation section with your TA (Fridays 2-3 pm), where questions will be answered, concepts clarified, and simple quantitative problems worked out (these will be an excellent practice for the homeworks and exams). The attendance of. those is mandatory. You are also strongly encouraged to interact on-line, via the class Facebook page, or other venues.
Teaching materials:
There is no assigned textbook, but just about any modern introductory textbook on astronomy may be useful. Our Library has many of them, including the following free electronic textbooks:
- Karttunen, H., et al., "Fundamental Astronomy", Springer (2018): Link
- Lang, K., "Essential Astrophysics", Springer (2018): Link
- Fraknoi, A., Morrison, D., & Wolff, S., "Astronomy", Open Textbook Library (2016): Link [May be too elementary for this class]
Grading scheme:
50% weekly homeworks (short and easy)
20% take-home midterm
30% take-home final
-1% for each section missed
Collaboration policy:
You can discuss homeworks with other students in the broad terms, but everyone has to do their own solutions. No collaboration is allowed for the midterm or final exams.