The main sessions will run from 10am PT until 4pm PT on Thursday, September 24 and Friday, September 25. All talks and breakout sessions will be online over Zoom. Poster sessions will occur over Slack. Registered attendees will receive connection information over email.
Time (PT) | Speaker or Event | Details or Title |
10:00am | Session I | Intro from KSM2020 Organizers |
10:10am | Steph Sallum (UC Irvine) | SCALES: Instrument Overview and Expected Science Outcomes |
10:20am | Vikram Ravi (Caltech) | Fast radio burst science: progress and promise |
10:30am | Brad Holden (UCO/Lick) | Ideas and Concepts for a New LRIS |
10:40 | Alexa Villaume (University of Waterloo) | Unexpected Spatially-resolved Age, Iron, and Alpha Gradients for the Ultra-Diffuse Galaxy DF44 |
10:50 | James Kirk (CfA) | Keck II/NIRSPEC detection of helium in the atmosphere of the sub-Saturn mass exoplanet WASP-107b |
11:00am | Poster Session #1 | Groups Presenting: A and C |
11:30am | Break | Attendees can continue to look at posters during the break. |
12:00pm | Session II | Welcome back, quick logistics |
12:05pm | Sara Faggi (NASA/GSFC) | The extraordinary passage of comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE): investigations of its organic composition as revealed by NIRSPEC2.0 at Keck II |
12:15pm | Giacomo Terreran (Northwestern) | Flash spectroscopy with Keck |
12:25pm | Myriam Prasow-Émond (Montréal) | The first high contrast images of near, high-mass X-ray binaries |
12:35pm | Namrata Roy (UC Santa Cruz) | Galactic-scale AGN driven winds in nearby elliptical galaxies |
12:45pm | Abhimat Gautam (UCLA) | Discovery of a Candidate Old Ellipsoidal Binary System at the Milky Way Galactic Center and Dynamical Constraints on a Dark Cusp |
12:55pm | Denise Hung (University of Hawai'i) | Optical/NIR Discovery of Large Scale Structure and the Characterization of the Cluster Mass Function at z~1 |
1:05pm | Meal Break & Breakout Sessions | Options: (1) New Exoplanet Instruments & (2) Planning for LRIS-2 |
2:30pm | Poster Session #2 | Groups Presenting: B and C |
3:00pm | Session III | Welcome back, quick logistics |
3:05pm | Hilton Lewis & John O'Meara | Keck Observatory Update |
3:35pm | Michitoshi Yoshida | Update from Subaru |
3:50pm | Simon Murphy (University of Sydney) | Confirming invisible compact stellar remnants found by pulsation timing using Keck/HIRES |
4:00pm | KSM2020 Organizers | Announcements & wrap-up of formal session for day 1 |
4:05pm | Breakout Session | (3) Keck Wide-Field Imager or Special Keck Coffee with Keck Staff |
5:30pm | End of Day 1 | Attendees are encouraged to browse posters and talk with other attendees on Slack at times that are convenient for them. |
Time (PT) | Speaker or Event | Details or Title |
10:00am | Session IV | Welcome Back & Logistics |
10:05am | Rajeshwari Dutta (Durham University) | Metal-enriched gaseous haloes around z~1 galaxies |
10:15am | Jeffrey Cummings (Indiana University) | Carbon Star Formation as Seen Through the Non-Monotonic Initial-Final Mass Relation |
10:25am | Jason Wang (Caltech) | Early Science Results from the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer |
10:35am | Thomas Bohn (UC Riverside) | Near-Infrared Coronal Line Observations in Dwarf Galaxies hosting AGN-driven Outflows |
10:45am | Poster Session #3 | Groups Presenting: A and D |
11:15am | Break | Attendees can continue to look at posters during the break. |
11:45am | Session V | |
11:50am | Emily Ramey (UC Berkeley) | Analyzing long-term performance of the Keck-II adaptive optics system |
12:00pm | Jinyi Yang (University of Arizona) | Exploring Reionization-era Quasars: Study the Early SMBHs at Redshift 7 with Keck/NIRES |
12:10pm | Nicholas Lehner (Notre Dame) | KODIAQ-Z: Metallicity of the IGM/Galaxy Interface at z~2-4 |
12:20pm | Lee Rosenthal (Caltech) | The California Legacy Survey: Population Statistics With an Expanded Catalog of RV-Detected Exoplanets |
12:30pm | Shelley Wright (UCSD) | Liger: Next generation AO-fed imager and spectrograph |
12:40pm | Geoff Chih-Fan Chen (UCLA) | Lens modeling and time-delay prediction of J0924+0219 strong lens system with Keck AO data |
12:50pm | Samantha Trumbo (Caltech) | Hydrogen peroxide within chaos terrain on the surface of Europa |
1:00pm | Meal Break & Breakout Sessions | Options:(4) Future Keck Near-IR Spectroscopy, (5) Keck AO including KAPA, & (6) The Data Services Initiative |
2:25pm | Session VI | Welcome back, logistics |
2:30pm | Erin Hicks (University of Alaska, Anchorage) | The Keck OSIRIS Nearby AGN Survey: The Distribution and Kinematics of the Circumnuclear Stars, Molecular Gas, and Ionized Gas in Local Seyfert Galaxies |
2:40pm | Jeff Cooke (Swinburne) | The Keck Wide-Field Imager |
2:50pm | Chuck Steidel & Aaron Barth | Keck SSC Updates |
3:00pm | Poster Session #4 | Groups Presenting: B and D |
3:30pm | Session VII | |
3:30pm | Bronwyn Reichardt Chu (Swinburne) | Mapping Outflows in Starbursting Disk Galaxies with DUVET |
3:40pm | Vandorou Aikaterini (University of Tasmania) | The Combined Power of Microlensing and Keck Adaptive Optics for Mass Measurements of Planetary Systems |
3:50pm | James Esdaile (Swinburne) | Velocity dispersion measurements of massive quiescent galaxies at 3 < z < 4 |
4:00pm | SOC | Mahalo |