Context: This Date-Specific Cover Sheet Supplement shall be used by all proposers across all constituencies requesting date-specific observations with all Palomar telescopes (Hale, P60, and P48 according to eligibility and in conjunction with the corresponding telescope-specific cover sheet).
Instructions: Use this form to provide the details for date-specific observing. Most field titles have context and/or popup help text that is displayed on mouse hover. Schedule date calculations are documented in a popup report available with mouse hover. Users are encouraged to check/confirm the date-specific calculation results. When finished, save the form on your computer as a PDF document (click the PRINT button to open the print dialog box on your computer, then save the form as a PDF) to be merged with the cover sheet and the discussion section of your proposal.
Our solicitation forms are evolving to add features and hopefully streamline program specification and proposal preparation. The forms are extensively tested with the Chrome browser on multiple platforms, and tested to a lesser extent with Safari and Firefox and Edge.
Some known, browser-specific issues::
Safari may not invoke the print dialog correctly more than once using the PRINT button. In that circumstance we recommend using the browser print command (File→Print).
Firefox does not clear/reset the form properly on refresh. To reset the form to its proper initial state use shift + refresh.
Internet Explorer is not supported and its use is not recommended for these solicitation forms.
Use the COO Feedback page to report other issues or share your feedback on this form.
† Selecting 'Yes' adds a column to the observation scheduling table that allows grouping of multiple observations/epochs into related sets. Proposed observation groups will be understood as a logical set that should scheduled on the telescope together for the observations to be viable.
Observation Scheduling
Optional: used to define observation groups, designated with a letter. Proposed observation groups will be understood as a logical set that should scheduled on the telescope together for the observations to be viable. Use only for such interdependent observations groups, otherwise leave blank.
Astronomical object/target designation (e.g. iota Peg, HD 210027).
Integer priority ranking of science target in proposed project; viable values are integers between 1 (highest priority) and 3 (lowest priority) inclusive.
Event Date and Time (JD) *
Enter event date/time in JD. Semester 2025B viable range is [2460889.542, 2460708.083].
Event Date and Time (UT) *
Enter event date/time in UT (24h clock). Semester 2025B viable range is [02 August 2025 01:00, 01 February 2025 14:00].
Event Date and Time (MJD) *
Enter event date/time in MJD. Semester 2025B viable range is [60889.042, 60707.583].
Night Frac.
Fraction of night being requested for this proposed date-specific observation. Viable options Full, First Half, Second Half.
The requested instrument for the proposed date-specific observation. Viable options defined in pull-down menu (note menu dynamically reconfigures with selected telescope). See P200 instruments, ZTF camera, and SEDM.
Sched. Date (PT) #Telescope schedule date request—calculated from form input. Palomar telescope schedules are managed in local date (PT) at the start of the observing night. Hover over the calculated schedule date to see details of the calculation.
* Enter event date/time in the selected format. Viable range: JD = [2460889.542, 2460708.083]. # Telescope schedule date request—calculated from form input. Palomar telescope schedules are managed in local date (PT) at the start of the observing night. Hover over the calculated schedule date to see details of the calculation. Warnings: Out of semester range, blocked-out date, −18° ≤ Sun < −6° from horizon, −6° ≤ Sun from horizon.
0 / 600
* 600 characters maximum.
Please share your feedback on this page at the COO Feedback portal
Palomar Date Specific Supplement v 1.0.6
Framework last updated: 17 August 2022 - ACM
Parameters last updated: 18 February 2025 - RJB/AFB Generated on: 15 March 2025 at 12:43 GMT-7