As you listen to the content of this audioguide, we encourage you to use your headphones if available or low volume as a courtesy to others. If you join us for a tour or talk, kindly refrain from using the audioguide or any disruptive media content during the event. Please stay within the observatory's public area (delineated yellow in the map) during your visit. We appreciate your cooperation.
The QUICK TOUR thumbnails in the home page access the the topics/audio entries that provide an overview of Palomar Observatory and its telescopes.
For a more comprehensive visit, use the button (top left) to choose topics of interest—organized by location. Alternatively, at a point of interest, find the nearby sign and scan its QR code with your handheld device's camera to find the corresponding audio entry.
Each topic/audio entry opens a video: press the red to start.
All videos are subtitled and transcripts are available by pressing the button (top right).
The button loads to the homepage.
The button opens an interactive map of the observatory.
The button switches languages (en/es).
The button offers extra information and audio transcripts where available (different content for each topic/page).
The button opens a list of frequently asked questions about this audioguide and the observatory.
The button opens the observatory's virtual tour, which will allow you to virtually visit other domes and areas closed to the public.
The button takes you to the observatory's website on a new tab.
The button opens a page where you can rate this tour. We'd love to hear from you!
Subtitles/CC are automatically generated with your YouTube account's CC settings when the videos play within the audioguide environment. During playback, we recommend holding your device horizontally (in a landscape orientation) to display videos in a larger format, which also makes the subtitles more easily readable (please be sure your device's orientation setting is unlocked).
Displaying the video in full-screen mode (via the icon on the video's control bar) can sometimes hide the subtitles depending on your YouTube CC settings. To change subtitle/CC settings such as size, appearance, behavior, or language, please follow these YouTube instructions:
ANDROID CC SETTINGS APPLE CC SETTINGSAlternatively, users can access each video's full transcript under the button (top right).