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September 26, 2016 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap
Venue: Der Wolfskopf

Talk 1

Title: It All Started with a Big Bang
Lecturer: Andreas Faisst
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: IPAC

Talk 2

Title: Spectacular Stellar Explosions
Lecturer: Ragnhild Lunnan
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: Caltech

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. What element is Jupiter mostly made of? Hydrogen
  2. In how many parsecs did the Millenium Falcon make the Kessel Run? Less than 12 parsecs
  3. The Sun will eventually turn into a:
    1. Supernova
    2. Blackhole
    3. White dwarf
    4. Grey Wizard
  4. Most of the Universe is not made up of regular matter. What is it made of? Dark Matter
  5. What year was the first extra-solar planet (outside of our solar system) around a SUN-like star discovered? 51 Peg b, 1995
  6. A spacecraft around a planet in our own solar system sent back this image of the planet, which planet is this? Jupiter
  7. How long would it take to travel to the nearest star (not the Sun) at the speed of light? Proxima Centauri: 4.243 years
  8. What was the first human-made object to circle the earth back in 1957? Sputnik
  9. Why do we (I mean like other parts of the world) have seasons? The tilt of the Earth's rotational axis
  10. What beer company has the same name as a part of the Sun? Corona
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