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October 18, 2016 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap
Venue: Der Wolfskopf

Talk 1

Title: Old Telescope Learns New Tricks
Lecturer: Eric Bellm
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: Caltech

Talk 2

Title: Seeing Gravitational Wave Sources
Lecturer: Alex Urban
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: Caltech

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. What planet gets closer to the Earth than any other planet? Venus
  2. About how long does it take for light from the sun to reach us? 8:20 minutes
  3. What is the fine soil covering the surface of the Moon called? Regolith
  4. What famous science educator is the current CEO of the Planetary Society? Bill Nye
  5. In Star Wars, what forest moon is the home of the Ewoks? Endor
  6. How many objects are officially recognized as planets in our Solar System? 8
  7. What is the name of the radio source in our galaxy that is believed to be a super massive black hole? Sgr A*
  8. What telescope was used to take the first spectrum of a quasar, showing quasars to be the most distant visible objects in the universe? Mt. Palomar 200"
  9. What popular television program follows the lives of several Caltech physicists? The Big Bang Theory
  10. A strong piece of evidence for the Big Bang, what does this image represent? CMB
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JPEGjpg AoTLA5.jpg r1 manage 626.5 K 2016-09-15 - 06:21 OutreachAdmin  
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