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November 21, 2016 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap
Venue: Der Wolfskopf

Talk 1

Title: Black Hole Jeopardy
Lecturer: Hannalore Gerling-Dunsmore
Position: Graduate Student
Institution: Caltech

Talk 2

Title: Astrobiology: From Molecules to Space Robots
Lecturer: Ricky Nilsson
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: Caltech

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. What was the name of the rocket that launched the first man into space? Vostok 1 (Gagarin, April 12, 1961)
  2. What swamp planet is Yoda's late residence in Star Wars? Dagobah
  3. What is the name of the phenomenon responsible for producing blue light when a charged particle travels faster than the local speed of light in a medium? Cerenkov Radiation (Astronauts reporting flashes in space)
  4. Originally classified as a planet, this largest asteroid was discovered in 1801? Ceres (Piazzi -- first four asteroids called planets)
  5. What is another name for a rotating neutron star? Pulsar
  6. What term describes the rare situation of a second full moon occurring in a single calendar month? Blue Moon (Every 2 years, 8 months, 18 days)
  7. What is the name of the well-accepted theory describing the origin of the universe as a singularlity, coined by one of its detractors? The Big Bang (Fred Hoyle, BBC Radio 1949)
  8. What reflective metal is used to coat the mirrors of telescopes that operate in the infrared? Gold (also Aluminum, Silver)
  9. What type of galaxy is our own Milky Way? Spiral, Barred Spiral, Sbc, SBbc
  10. China's recently completed FAST radio telescope will surpass this American radio telescope as the largest single dish in the world? Arecibo (Arecibo size: 300 meters, FAST size: 500 meters)
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