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Solar Eclipse Viewing

The "Great American Solar Eclipse" will occur the morning of Monday, August 21, 2017. While Pasadena will not have views of totality, it will get a good partial eclipse cover up to ~70% of the solar disc. Obviously, many of us will be traveling to the center line to observe the total solar eclipse, but we are still planning an event to occur on campus. The event will take place on Beckman Lawn and in the Beckman Institute.

Please consider volunteering to help out with this event. Responsibilities will be very easy, in that you'll mostly just be handing out eclipse glasses and answering questions about the eclipse to enthusiastic attendees. For those wanting more responsibility, we will have a few telescopes with solar filters setup, so you can help adjust them to point at the Sun. Lastly, we'll also have a computer set up in the Beckman Institute Auditorium to go show different live feeds of the eclipse: https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/eclipse-live-stream

Outdoor Activities for Volunteers (on Beckman Lawn)

  • Instruct attendees on safe viewing of the eclipse (not directly without protection)
  • Hand out eclipse glasses (~1000 pairs)
  • Show views of the Sun with 6" and 8" dobsonian telescopes with solar filters
  • Show views of the Sun using a Solarscope
  • Show people how to make pinhole cameras with aluminum foil and cardboard for projection
  • Explain to attendees what is happening during a solar eclipse
  • Answer questions about the eclipse, astronomy, etc.

Indoor Activities (in Beckman Institute Auditorium -- seats 200)

Eclipse Schedule

  • Set up for event: 9:00 - 9:30AM
  • Penumbra Entry: 9:05AM
  • Event begins: 9:30AM
  • Penumbra Maximum 10:21AM
  • Event ends: 11:30AM
  • Clean up: 11:30 - 12:00PM
  • Penumbra Exit: 11:45AM

Please contact Cameron Hummels (chummels@caltech.edu) if you are interested in volunteering/participating in this event.


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JPEGjpg eclipse.jpg r1 manage 145.1 K 2017-10-28 - 16:45 OutreachAdmin  
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