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October 23, 2017 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap
Venue: Der Wolfskopf

Talk 1

Title: LIGO launches the age of multi-messenger astronomy
Lecturer: Jameson Rollins
Position: Staff Scientist
Institution: Caltech

Talk 2

Title: Stellar marriages: a turbulent story
Lecturer: Nadia Blagorodnova
Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
Institution: Caltech

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. How many planets in our Solar System (excluding Earth) can you see with your naked eye? 6
  2. Last week, a forest fire broke out in close proximity to what major historical astronomical observatory? Mt. Wilson
  3. In what astronomical events is the majority of the gold in the Universe produced? Neutron Star Merger / Kilonova
  4. Who was the first astrophysicist to win the nobel prize in physics and was featured in a Google Doodle last week? Chandrasekhar
  5. What was the time delay between the arrival of gravitational waves and gamma rays in the neutron star merger announced last week? ~1.7s
  6. The word planet comes from the greek word: "planetes" which means what? Wanderer/Traveler
  7. Over the weekend the Orionids meteor shower peaked. The Orionids occur as the Earth passes through debris from what solar system object? Halley's Comet
  8. What is the name for the stable locations in the gravitational field of two objects orbiting each other? Hint: we sometimes put space telescopes in them. Lagrange Points
  9. How long is the arm of one of LIGO's detectors? 4km/2.5 mile
  10. In Star Wars, what ice planet is home to wampas, tauntauns, and the location of a prominent rebel base? Hoth

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