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November 6, 2017 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap
Venue: Der Wolfskopf

Talk 1

Title: Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe
Lecturer: Andres Plazas Malagon
Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
Institution: JPL

Talk 2

Title: Heart of Glass: 100 years of the 100" telescope at Mount Wilson
Lecturer: Cindy Hunt
Position: Staff
Institution: Carnegie

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. What quantity measures the reflectance of an object, used extensively to categorize solar sytem objects? Albedo
  2. Famous Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe conducted his scientific research on what private island dedicated to observing the sky? Uraniborg / Hven
  3. In Star Wars, what is Han Solo's home planet? Corellia
  4. What electromagnetic radiation is produced when a charged particle is decelerated due to its interaction with another charged particle? Bremstrahllung / Braking Radiation / Free-Free Emission
  5. What is the name of the population of the first stars in the Universe, made up of only the primordial materials of hydrogen and helium? Population III Stars
  6. What is the russian word for astronaut? Cosmonaut
  7. Last week, scientists announced having used charged particles from distant supernovae to map out and find a new chamber in this historical structure? The Great Pyramid (at Giza) / Cheops / Khufu
  8. Density fluctuations in our atmosphere cause light traveling from distant stars to refract and change paths on its way to our eyes. What is this effect called? Twinkling / Seeing
  9. What is the name of the theoretical outer planet predicted to exist based on its effects on the orbital dynamics of other solar system objects? Planet 9
  10. These tightly-bound, spherical structures made up of hundreds of thousands of stars are found throughout our galaxy--what are they called? Globular Clusters

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