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December 4, 2017 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap
Venue: Der Wolfskopf

Talk 1

Title: We Are Made of Big Bang Stuff
Lecturer: Jeff Rich
Position: Staff
Institution: Carnegie

Talk 2

Title: Black Holes Don’t Suck, but They Do Like to Eat
Lecturer: Katey Alatalo
Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
Institution: Carnegie

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. How much bigger was last night’s ‘Super’ Moon than a regular full moon? A. 1% B. 7% C. 14% D 30%
  2. What was the permanent designation given by the Minor Planet Center of the interstellar asteroid that flew through the solar system earlier this year? A. 1I B. 1I/2017 U1 C. 1I/‘Oumuamua D. All of the above
  3. The collision of two neutron stars that was the first phenomenon observed in both electromagnetic AND gravitational waves was a: A. Micronova B. Millinova C. Kilonova D. Supernova
  4. As of 2017, we know of how many of Jupiter’s moons? A. 4 B. 6 C. 45 D. 69
  5. In August astronomers observed a neutron star merger. This event produced over 10,000 earth masses of many heavy elements - name two of these metals. A. Gold and Gallium B. Platinum and Phosphorus C. Silver and Selenium D. Iridium and Iodine
  6. What percentage of near-Earth asteroids have measured diameters? A. <25% B. 25-50% C. 50-75% D. 75-100%
  7. The Universe started to create the first elements about 10 seconds after the big bang. What was its average temperature at that time? A. 3 trillion K B. 3 billion K C. 3 million K D. 3 thousand K
  8. The WMAP team won the Breakthrough Prize for physics this weekend, for measuring the cosmic microwave background. What does the “A” stand for? A. Astronomy B. Afterglow C. Anisotropy D. Anti-matter
  9. What is the minimum mass of a black hole? A. 22 micrograms B. 2.2 Earth masses C. 2.2 solar masses D. 2.2 million solar masses
  10. In Star Wars, what tropical planet houses A high security imperial database and is featured with the climactic battle in “rogue one”? A. Tatooine B. Wobani C. Scarif D. Mon Cala

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