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March 12, 2018 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap
Venue: Der Wolfskopf

Talk 1

Title: Cosmology with your eyes closed
Lecturer: Vikram Ravi
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: Caltech

Talk 2

Title: Creating a Planet from Scratch
Lecturer: Jono Squires
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: Caltech

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. Which prominent astrophysicist, attributed to many breakthroughs in cosmology, passed away last week? Stephen Hawking
  2. Alan Tudyk, who played the loveable “Wash Washburne”on Firefly, played which Imperial-turned-Rebellion droid in Star Wars: “Rogue One”? K2-S0
  3. How many exoplanets have astronomers discovered to date? a. 678b.10,801 c.3,706 d.85 C
  4. How old is the Universe? 13.7 Gyr
  5. Which space-based planet finding mission, a successor to Kepler, will be launched later this year? TESS
  6. In which constellation is the young star, “HL Tau”located? Taurus
  7. Victor Buso, an amateur astronomer in Argentina, inadvertently caught what stellar explosion (shown here) in the act on Sept. 20, 2016? supernova
  8. What physical law/quantity makes it possible to tell that the Universe is getting older, and not younger? Entropy
  9. As a student, the late Stephen Hawking was sometimes distracted from his studies by:? a.rowing b.fishing c.fencing A
  10. Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet cosmonaut, was the first person to do what on April 12, 1961 ...almost 57 years ago! Go into space

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