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June 4, 2018 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap
Venue: Der Wolfskopf

Talk 1

Title: Sailing on Sunlight: The LightSail Spacecraft
Lecturer: Bruce Betts
Position: Staff
Institution: Planetary Society

Talk 2

Title: Stars Torn Apart By Black Holes
Lecturer: Decker French
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: Carnegie

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. What is the name of the world’s first and largest spacecraft launch facility? Baikonur Cosmodrome
  2. What nasa mission, currently extending the kepler space telescope mission, just started observing its 20th field? K2
  3. What pale blue planet is the seventh closest to the sun? Uranus
  4. What airborne NASA observatory consists of a 747 jet outfitted with a 2.7-meter telescope? SOFIA
  5. Last week, Astronaut Alan Bean passed away at age 86. Bean was the fourth person to stand on the moon. how many “moonwalkers” are still alive? Four
  6. In star wars, what planet sits in the middle of a dangerous nebula and provides the setting for han Solo’s record-breaking navigational performance aboard the millennium falcon? Kessel
  7. What japanese car company borrows its name and logo from the star cluster known in the west as the pleiades? Subaru
  8. What scientist proposed the theory of gravity and co-invented calculus? Isaac Newton
  9. The volcanic eruptions currently happening in hawaii are very near to what famous observatory/telescope? Mauna Kea Observatory, Keck, Subaru, etc.
  10. What is the only terrestrial feature to have a constellation named after it? Table Mountain

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