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October 1, 2018 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap
Venue: Der Wolfskopf

Talk 1

Title: De-twinkling Stars to See Exoplanets
Lecturer: Vanessa Bailey
Position: Staff Scientist
Institution: JPL

Talk 2

Title: The Sky is Alive with the Sound of Music
Lecturer: Greg Salvesen
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: UCSB

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. What robot rover on Mars has been silent for three months and may be dead? Opportunity (90 days -> 14 years)
  2. What is the term for when an electron becomes unbound from an atom? Ionization
  3. Last week, scientists observed a cloud of gas in galaxy PG211+143 traveling at one third the speed of light as it falls towards what? Supermassive black hole
  4. Which planet in our solar system lacks an atmosphere? Mercury
  5. In Star Wars, what New Republic Capital was the first planet destroyed by Starkiller Base? Hosnian Prime
  6. Tonight's sky provides views of Jupiter, Mars, & Saturn--what is the name of the line they trace on the sky? Ecliptic
  7. NASA officially began operations sixty years ago today (Oct 1, 1958), what agency preceded it in this capacity? NACA
  8. Last week, what Japanese space craft landed on the surface of asteroid Ryugu and returned these images? Hayabusa2
  9. What effect limits the maximum possible mass of a star? Radiation / Eddington Luminosity
  10. What is the primary energy source powering stars and causing them to shine? Nuclear fusion

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