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November 5, 2018 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap
Venue: Der Wolfskopf

Talk 1

Title: Using Radio Flashes to Probe Interstellar Space
Lecturer: Kathryn Plant
Position: Graduate Student
Institution: Caltech

Talk 2

Title: Simulating the Universe on a Supercomputer
Lecturer: Cameron Hummels
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: Caltech

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. Last week, NASA ended operations for what space telescope which has helped discover ~2600 exoplanets? Kepler
  2. In addition, NASA officially concluded the Dawn Mission, a mission which orbitted the two largest asteroids in our solar system. What are they called? Vesta & Ceres
  3. What recent film details the experiences of Neil Armstrong in the years leading to the Apollo 11 mission where he landed on the Moon? First Man
  4. What planet rotates slowly enough that you could walk along its equator and watch an everlasting sunset? Mercury (also accept Venus)
  5. What pair of galaxies are clearly visible with the naked eye on a dark night in the Southern Hemisphere? LMC SMC
  6. What event of astronomical importance occurs tomorrow from 7AM to 8PM local standard time across the US? Election Day
  7. In Star Wars, what desert planet does the Hutt (e.g. Jabba) Clan crime syndicate control? Tatooine
  8. What NASA supercomputer is featured in The Martian and is named after a prominent star cluster? Pleiades
  9. What is the most abundant element in the universe? Hydrogen
  10. About how long does it take for light from the sun to reach us? 8 minutes

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