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April 24, 2019 7:00-9:00PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap, Bishop
Venue: Mountain Rambler Brewery

Talk 1

Title: The Lives of Stars
Lecturer: Mark Hodges
Position: Staff Scientist
Institution: Owens Valley Radio Observatory

Talk 2

Title: Simulating the Universe
Lecturer: Cameron Hummels
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. What was the name of the first animal to orbit around the Earth and return alive? Belka & Strelka
  2. In Star Wars, what desert planet orbits around two Suns and is the home of Luke Skywalker? Tatooine
  3. The theory of general relatively describes the behavior of what fundamental, attractive force? Gravity
  4. What is the technical term for the clouds of gas and dust that often act as nurseries for stars? Nebulae
  5. Last week, astronomers announced that they had taken the first images of what elusive astronomical object? Black Hole (M87)
  6. What is the largest mountain in the solar system? Olympus Mons
  7. What annual meteor shower occurred this week, where meteors appear to radiate outward from near the bright star Vega? Lyrids
  8. What japanese car company borrows its name and logo from a star cluster, known in the western world as “The Pleiades?” Subaru
  9. What is the primary energy source powering stars and causing them to shine? Nuclear Fusion
  10. Which planet in our solar system lacks an atmosphere? Mercury

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JPEGjpg 20190424.jpg r1 manage 463.9 K 2019-05-21 - 00:21 OutreachAdmin  
Topic revision: r1 - 2019-05-21 - OutreachAdmin
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