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May 20, 2019 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap
Venue: Der Wolfskopf

Talk 1

Title: Pebbles on the Shore: Reconstructing Ancient Alien Habitats on Earth and Mars
Lecturer: Cecilia Sanders
Position: Graduate Student
Institution: Caltech

Talk 2

Title: A Tour of Exoplanet Discovery
Lecturer: Lee Rosenthal
Position: Graduate Student
Institution: Caltech

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. What is Pluto currently classified as? Dwarf Planet
  2. In 1887, the Michelson-Morley experiment disproved the existence of what hypothetical substance permeating all of the universe? Aether
  3. What is the average length of a day on the moon (sunrise to sunrise)? 29.5 earth days (not sidereal = 27.3 earth days)
  4. What is the name of the Neutrino Observatory buried in the ice of Antarctica? Ice Cube
  5. In Star Wars, what sacred, cold desert moon was the primary source of kyber crystals, used to power light sabers and the Death Star? Jedha
  6. What color is Mars? Red
  7. Last week, the Hubble Space Telescope detected interstellar C60, a molecule consisting of sixty carbon atoms, also famously known as what? Buckyball / Buckminsterfullerene
  8. Humans perceive light with their eyes over what wavelength range? 4000-7000 Angstroms
  9. What site was selected as the landing location for the NASA Mars 2020 rover mission? Jezero Crater
  10. Last week, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced development on a space craft to travel to the Moon over the next few years--what is the name of this project? Blue Moon


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