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May 8, 2020 7-9PM

Event Type: Lecture and Stargazing
Title: The Loneliest Galaxies in the Universe
Lecturer: Mia de los Reyes
Position: Graduate Student
Institution: Caltech
Most of the matter in the universe is located in long and thin structures called "cosmic filaments" that stretch across the universe in web-like formations. However, some galaxies live in the much emptier spaces between cosmic filaments, called cosmic voids. By comparing the chemical makeup of void galaxies and filament galaxies, we can learn about how galaxies' environments shape their formation and evolution.


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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg 20200508V.jpg r1 manage 237.9 K 2020-04-27 - 02:48 OutreachAdmin  
JPEGjpg 20200605.jpg r1 manage 243.1 K 2020-02-18 - 22:50 OutreachAdmin  
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Topic revision: r4 - 2020-04-27 - OutreachAdmin
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