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June 7, 2021 7:30-9:30PM

Event: Astronomy on Tap

Talk 1

Title: Using Gorging Supermassive Black Holes to Illuminate Distant Galaxies
Lecturer: Britt Lundgren
Position: Faculty
Institution: UNC Asheville

Talk 2

Title: Exploring the Universe from the South Pole
Lecturer: Junhan Kim
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: Caltech

Quiz Questions / Answers

  1. Last week, NASA announced two new major missions would explore what solar system object in the next decade? Venus
  2. In Star Wars, Mustafar is the volcano planet where Anakin battles Obiwan. What is its equivalent in our own solar system? Io
  3. What is the elevation of the South Pole? ~10,000 feet (3000m)
  4. The Hubble Space Telescope launched on April 24 of what year? 1990
  5. The supermassive black hole in the M87 galaxy is named Pōwehi, meaning "embellished dark source of unending creation" in what language? Hawaiian
  6. What crater is located at the geographic south pole of the Moon and thought to be a good lunar base location? Shackleton Crater
  7. In what constellation is the North Star? Ursa Minor
  8. What was the name of the first animal to orbit around the Earth and return alive? Belka & Strelka
  9. What astronomical consortium just released a “dark matter map” of a large portion of the sky? Dark Energy Survey (DES)

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