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Directions for Telescope Captain

The Telescope Captain is in charge of assuring the stargazing portion of the event goes well.

General Responsibilities

  • Plan and execute the telescope observing
  • Pick out the target objects and assign them to the Telescope Volunteers
  • Coordinate directly with the Lecture Captain before and during the event
  • Help set up all telescopes being used
  • Oversee the stargazing event, directing attendees, answering questions, and solving problems
  • Close the telescopes down at the end of the event and return telescopes to Cameron's office (Cahill 343)
  • Answer attendee questions on astronomy, physics and science
  • Positively represent the University, the Department, and our profession

Week Prior to the Lecture

  • Plan what targets will be observed. Use the observational resources page for ideas. Is there a target that ties into the lecture topic?
  • Study Observational Resources and know basic facts about the targets that will be observed: size, distance, age, phenomenon, etc.

Day Prior to the Lecture (or earlier)

  • Look at the weather forecast. Will you be able to observe? Communicate with Lecture Captain so they know what to announce at the lecture.
  • Contact the Lecture Captain. Exchange phone numbers so that he/she can text message you can update them with an observing status during the lecture if necessary.
  • Make sure you have access to get telescopes from Cameron's Office (Cahill 343).

At Lecture start

  • Get badges and tally counter.
  • Gather telescopes from Cameron's office and move them to north athletic fields.
  • Bring eyepiece cases, which contain eyepieces, filters, barlows, smartphone mount, etc.
  • Bring tarp (stashed under Cameron's desk) to use for shading the telescopes from the track lights.
  • Walk over to athletics department and get key (or employee) to come uplock the gate to the fields
  • Open the North Field gate, leave lock unlocked, and return key to athletics director in gym.
  • Move one soccer goal out into the field, then drape tarp over it and tie it in place with nylon cord. This will provide shade to ~2 of the larger telescopes looking at fainter objects.
  • Help Telescope Volunteers set up telescopes in the field so that they're pointed at the targets. Try to align the telescopes far apart from each other so there is ample room for non-overlapping queues leading back towards Cahill.
  • Text message the Lecture Captain what the weather conditions are and if you're going to observe (if uncertain)

30 Minutes after Lecture begins (NOT when the lecture ends)

  • Have one volunteer (or yourself) greet people who arrive at the field, answer questions and direct them to the three telescopes. Use tally counter to count how many visitors we get.
  • IMPORTANT: Make sure no one comes on the field with food, drinks, smoking, pets, or trash. No high heels or canes that could puncture the turf. If we don't obey these rules, we get banished from the fields! Be a hard ass or assign someone to be.

Two Hours after Lecture

  • Thank the visitors for coming and announce that the event is over.
  • You and your volunteers should shutdown the telescopes.
  • Assure all Telrads are off, eyepieces put away, lens caps on, etc.
  • Walk around the observing area with a flashlight (or phone light) to pick up any trash left by visitors.
  • Help get telescopes, and eyepiece cases back to Cameron's Office (Cahill 343)
  • Leave badges and necklaces and tally counter in Cameron's office.
  • Fold up tarp and leave neatly in Cameron's office.
  • Discuss with the Lecture Captain if there were any highlights, problems, suggestion for running more efficiently next time
  • Give Lecture Captain tally of how many attendees there were
  • If you are the last one into Cameron's office. Lock the door please.

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Topic revision: r14 - 2019-02-26 - OutreachAdmin
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