We regularly provide free 30 minute public lectures followed by 90 minutes of guided stargazing through telescopes on the North Field. Lectures occur in the Hameetman Lecture Hall (seats 150) in Cahill Astronomy and Astrophysics Building.
The lecture is given on some astronomical topic at a public level (appropriate for a layperson) by one of the members of the Astronomy department (faculty, staff, postdocs, grads, etc.). After 30 minutes, and a few minutes for general questions, attendees are invited to remain for an informal Q&A with members of the department or join us outside to view the stars through our telescopes on the adjacent fields south of Cahill.
Time (relative to start) | In Cahill | On North Field |
-00:30 - 00:00 | Setup for Lecture | |
00:00 - 00:30 | Lecture | Setup for Observing |
00:30 - 02:00 | Q&A Panel or Slideshow | Telescope Observing |
02:00 - 02:10 | Shutdown and Cleanup |
We typically need ~10 volunteers for each event:
During Astronomy on Tap events, we give 3 or 4 short informal scientific talks in a local bar. These talks are punctuated by intermissions where patrons are invited to discuss relevant science questions and topics with each other and the scientists in the audience. Astronomy on Tap has several chapters around the country, having started in New York City about 5 years ago. These events are currently being organized as we look for an appropriate venue. Stay tuned.
It's surprising but true that planets and other bright astronomical targets can be observed from portable telescopes in the light-polluted skies of Pasadena, even when sitting directly below street lights. Colorado Boulevard provides a perfect venue on weekends for sidewalk astronomy with lots of foot traffic and so close to Caltech. We're still in the midsts of planning these events, but stay tuned. There is a group of local amateurs who occasionally do this on Colorado too: http://otastro.org/ .
For full lists of the responsibilities for each role, click on the role itself. If you're interested in signing up for an existing event, contact outreach@astro.caltech.edu or Cameron Hummels.