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Directions for Telescope Volunteer

General Responsibilities

  • To setup, operate, and close down the telescopes at the stargazing event
  • Answer attendee questions on astronomy, physics and science
  • Positively represent the University, the Department, and our profession

One or Two Days Prior to Event

  • If you haven't acted as a Telescope Volunteer before, the Telescope captain will teach you how to use the telescopes at the beginning of the event
  • Your Telescope Captain will contact you and tell you your telescope assignment and target
  • Study the Observational Resources page and know basic facts about the targets you will observe: size, distance, age, phenomenon, etc.
  • Note: If there is bad weather, your Telescope Captain may offer you the option of not attending. Do not assume it is canceled due to clouds.

Night of Lecture
  • Arrive at Cahill at Lecture start time
  • Help move the telescopes out to the field and set them up to point at the assigned targets
  • Operate your assigned telescope, keep it pointed at your target, and answer questions about it to the public
  • At the end of the night, close the fields and return telescopes to Cameron's office (Cahill 343)
  • Please return the badges! People inadvertently hold on to them and we are running out.

Link back to home page.

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Topic revision: r8 - 2019-02-28 - OutreachAdmin
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