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Below a complete list of 36 main publications (first, second, and third author papers). For a list of all papers, please visit NASA/ADS directly.

1. COSMOS-Web: The Role of Galaxy Interactions and Disk Instabilities in Producing Starbursts at z < 4
A. Faisst, L. Yang, M. Brinch et al., ApJ, 980, 204, February 2025

2. Selecting variable sources with median colours using a self-organising map
T. Venville, P. Capak, A. Faisst et al., PASA, 41, e110, December 2024

3. Dead or Alive? How Bursty Star Formation and Patchy Dust Can Cause Temporary Quiescence in High-redshift Galaxies
A. Faisst, T. Morishita, ApJ, 971, 47, August 2024

4. Predicting the Spectroscopic Features of Galaxies by Applying Manifold Learning on Their Broadband Colors: Proof of Concept and Potential Applications for Euclid, Roman, and Rubin LSST
M. Jafariyazani, D. Masters, A. Faisst et al., ApJ, 967, 60, May 2024

5. Testing He II Emission from Wolf–Rayet Stars as a Dust Attenuation Measure in Eight Nearby Star-forming Galaxies
D. Maschmann, C. Leitherer, A. Faisst et al., ApJ, 961, 159, February 2024

6. Probing bursty star formation by cross-correlating extragalactic background light and galaxy surveys
G. Sun, A. Lidz, A. Faisst et al., MNRAS, 524, 2395, September 2023

7. The First Weak-lensing Analysis with the James Webb Space Telescope: SMACS J0723.3-7327
K. Finner, A. Faisst, R. Chary et al., ApJ, 953, 102, August 2023

8. Cosmic Evolution of Gas and Star Formation
N. Scoville, A. Faisst, J. Weaver et al., ApJ, 943, 82, February 2023

9. What Are Those Tiny Things? A First Study of Compact Star Clusters in the SMACS0723 Field with JWST
A. Faisst, R. Chary, G. Brammer et al., ApJL, 941, L11, December 2022

10. ALPINE: A Large Survey to Understand Teenage Galaxies
A. Faisst, L. Yan, M. Béthermin et al., Univ, 8, 314, June 2022

11. Joint Survey Processing. II. Stellar Proper Motions in the COSMOS Field from Hubble Space Telescope ACS and Subaru Telescope HSC Observations
S. Fajardo-Acosta, A. Faisst, C. Grillmair et al., ApJ, 930, 71, May 2022

12. Joint Survey Processing. I. Compact Oddballs in the COSMOS Field-Low-luminosity Quasars at z > 6?
A. Faisst, R. Chary, S. Fajardo-Acosta et al., ApJ, 929, 66, April 2022

13. The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey: Investigation of 10 galaxies at z 4.5 with [O II] and [C II] line emission - ISM properties and [O II]-SFR relation
B. Vanderhoof, A. Faisst, L. Shen et al., MNRAS, 511, 1303, March 2022

14. The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey. Survey strategy, observations, and sample properties of 118 star-forming galaxies at 4 < z < 6
O. Le Fèvre, M. Béthermin, A. Faisst et al., A&A, 643, A1, November 2020

15. ALMA characterizes the dust temperature of z ∼ 5.5 star-forming galaxies
A. Faisst, Y. Fudamoto, P. Oesch et al., MNRAS, 498, 4192, November 2020

16. The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey. Dust attenuation properties and obscured star formation at z ∼ 4.4-5.8
Y. Fudamoto, P. Oesch, A. Faisst et al., A&A, 643, A4, November 2020

17. The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey. Small Lyα-[CII] velocity offsets in main-sequence galaxies at 4.4 < z < 6
P. Cassata, L. Morselli, A. Faisst et al., A&A, 643, A6, November 2020

18. The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] Survey: Exploring the Dark Side of Normal Galaxies at the End of Reionisation
M. Béthermin, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, A. Faisst et al., Msngr, 180, 31, June 2020

19. The redshift evolution of rest-UV spectroscopic properties to z ∼ 5
A. Pahl, A. Shapley, A. Faisst et al., MNRAS, 493, 3194, April 2020

20. The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] Survey: Multiwavelength Ancillary Data and Basic Physical Measurements
A. Faisst, D. Schaerer, B. Lemaux et al., ApJS, 247, 61, April 2020

21. He II Emission from Wolf-Rayet Stars as a Tool for Measuring Dust Reddening
C. Leitherer, J. Lee & A. Faisst, AJ, 158, 192, November 2019

22. The Recent Burstiness of Star Formation in Galaxies at z ∼ 4.5 from Hα Measurements
A. Faisst, P. Capak, N. Emami et al., ApJ, 884, 133, October 2019

23. Low Star Formation Efficiency in Typical Galaxies at z = 5-6
R. Pavesi, D. Riechers, A. Faisst et al., ApJ, 882, 168, September 2019

24. How to Find Variable Active Galactic Nuclei with Machine Learning
A. Faisst, A. Prakash, P. Capak et al., ApJL, 881, L9, August 2019

25. Cosmology in the 2020s Needs Precision and Accuracy: The Case for Euclid/LSST/WFIRST Joint Survey Processing
R. Chary, L. Armus, A. Faisst et al., BAAS, 51, 44, May 2019

26. Empirical Modeling of the Redshift Evolution of the [{\rm{N}}\,{\rm{II}}]/Hα Ratio for Galaxy Redshift Surveys
A. Faisst, D. Masters, Y. Wang et al., ApJ, 855, 132, March 2018

27. An Alternate Approach to Measure Specific Star Formation Rates at 2\lt z\lt 7
I. Davidzon, O. Ilbert, A. Faisst et al., ApJ, 852, 107, January 2018

28. Are High-redshift Galaxies Hot? Temperature of z > 5 Galaxies and Implications for Their Dust Properties
A. Faisst, P. Capak, L. Yan et al., ApJ, 847, 21, September 2017

29. Dust Properties of C II Detected z ∼ 5.5 Galaxies: New HST/WFC3 Near-IR Observations
I. Barisic, A. Faisst, P. Capak et al., ApJ, 845, 41, August 2017

30. Constraints on Quenching of Z ≲ 2 Massive Galaxies from the Evolution of the Average Sizes of Star-forming and Quenched Populations in COSMOS
A. Faisst, C. Carollo, P. Capak et al., ApJ, 839, 71, April 2017

31. Revisiting the Lyman Continuum Escape Crisis: Predictions for z > 6 from Local Galaxies
A. Faisst, ApJ, 829, 99, October 2016

32. A Tight Relation between N/O Ratio and Galaxy Stellar Mass Can Explain the Evolution of Strong Emission Line Ratios with Redshift
D. Masters, A. Faisst & P. Capak, ApJ, 828, 18, September 2016

33. Rest-UV Absorption Lines as Metallicity Estimator: The Metal Content of Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 5
A. Faisst, P. Capak, I. Davidzon et al., ApJ, 822, 29, May 2016

34. A Coherent Study of Emission Lines from Broadband Photometry: Specific Star Formation Rates and [O III]/Hβ Ratio at 3 > z > 6
A. Faisst, P. Capak, B. Hsieh et al., ApJ, 821, 122, April 2016

35. Dust Attenuation in High Redshift Galaxies: "Diamonds in the Sky"
N. Scoville, A. Faisst, P. Capak et al., ApJ, 800, 108, February 2015

36. Spectroscopic Observation of Lyα Emitters at z ~ 7.7 and Implications on Re-ionization
A. Faisst, P. Capak, C. Carollo et al., ApJ, 788, 87, June 2014



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