Avishay Gal-Yam, Senior Scientist, Benoziyo Center for Astrophysics, The Weizmann Institute
I have moved, and have taken a faculty position at the newly established Benoziyo Center
for Astrophysics at the Weizmann Institute in Israel.
And yes,
I am looking for graduate students and postdocs!
If you are interested, please contact me at avishay.gal-yam _ at _ weizmann.ac.il, call my office on 972-8-9342063, or drop by
(if you're around) - my office is 234 Weismann (Physics).
Current projects:
The Caltech Core-Collpase Program (CCCP)
An HST Survey for Supernovae in Massive High-Redshift Clusters
ToO UV spectroscopy of core-collapse SNe with GALEX
Cosmology with SNe II-P
Astronomical tools and software
Recent projects:
Hybrid GRB 060614: A Long Gamma-Ray Burst Without a Supernova
Prompt photometric identification of young SNe using the robotic Palomar 60" telescope
The NOT SN search in medium-z rich clusters - July 2004 run
Detailed optical light curves of GRB 030329
The First Informal Zwicky SN Workshop, Pasadena 2004
Some older SN projects
Cefalu Prize
SN 2006X - Clues about the origins of type Ia supernovae: Caltech PR; The Jerusalem Post
GRB 060614 - A novel explosive process required for Gamma-Ray Bursts: Caltech PR; NASA PR
Constructed: January 2004, by:
Avishay Gal-Yam ,
E-Mail: avishay@wise.tau.ac.il