Wallace on Pointing
An introduction to telescope pointing by Patrick Wallace.
UK Schmidt
"Alignment, pointing accuracy and field rotation of the UK 1.2-m
Schmidt telescope" by P. T. Wallace & K. P. Tritton (MN, 189, 115, 1979)
An Engineer's Viewpoint
by Alan Buckman of AWR Technology (2007)
Notes from DFM
Notes from Dr. Frank Melsheimer, President,
DFM Engineering (a company which
makes mount for telescopes up to 1-m diameter
WIRO Pointing Implementation
by E. J. Spillar et al. PASP 105, 616 (1993)
Lowell Observatory
by W. Buie
Wallace (SPIE)
Rigorous algorithm for telescope pointing by P. Wallace (2002)
Riesing+ (SPIE)
Rapid telescope pointing calibration: a quaternion-based solution using low-cost hardware
by K. M. Riesing, H. Yoon & K. L. Cahoy (SPIE 2018)
PhD Thesis
by G. R. Hovey (1974), ANU
NRAO Report
NRAO 36-foot equatorial telescope, 1976
Tpoint Manual (early version)
Paramount telescope mount
Multivariate Linear Regression