Command line unix tools for Exploration of Astronomical Objects
These command line bash programs, written by SR Kulkarni, are useful
for quick gathering of information of a small samples of astronomical
objects. The philosophy behind this suite is similar to Unix: each tool
does one thing (hopefully very well) and tools can be chained (ouputs
can be piped).
I am continually updating the programs. The latest version of the
tools, packaged as a tar file, can be found here. Potential users: please reload on
a weekly basis (until the package suite is stable). Feedback is
Installation: You need to install the entire suite (there
are modest dependencies; for example, mdrGaia calls csGaia etc).
Also SRKutils relies on tools that are not a part of the vanilla
Unix system:
gdate, gjoin, gsed,
jq, textutil, csv package (csvcut, csvlook, csvjson...)
be others but need feedback). Next, if the tool you are invoking
calls TNS or ADS then you need tokens defined as follows: export ADS_TOKEN="xxxxxx...."
export TNS_API_KEY="yyyyy...."
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ztime |
time around the world
fluxTSA |
daily TSA passenger flux
wsNuSTAR |
weekly schedule of the NuSTAR Observatory
wsCXO |
weekly schedule of the Chandra X-ray Observatory
ltsCXO |
long term schedule of the Chandra X-ray Observatory
dsSwift |
daily schedule for Swift Observatory schedule
ds2ux |
convert Microsft DOS files to Unix
txt2uri |
translate ASCII text to URI coding
expar |
extract desired parameters from pipe
rc2mat |
convert row|column vector to matrix with desired row size
multi2one |
Convert multi-line data structures to single line de-limited records
ql_dlm |
quick look of delimited files
dlm2json |
convert dlm file to JSON format
col2json |
convert dual-column file to JSON format
ex_dlm |
extract columns from data-limited (e.g. tsv) files
xml2dlm |
convert xml table to dlm
hdr_vot |
display head of a vot file (currently tuned for Gaia)
vo2dlm |
convert VO table to delimited file (e.g. tsv)
ipac2csv |
convert classical-style IPAC table to csv
coco |
coordinate coverter: Sumerian <-> degrees
eq2gal |
equatorial to Galactic
pm2gal |
equatorial proper motion to Galactic frame
qmTNS |
query TNS events by the month
exTNS |
extract columns from TNS files
objTNS |
given AT/SN name return information from TNS
csTNS |
cone-search TNS for given ra& dec
csSim |
cone search Simbad
objSim |
given Object Name return Simbad summary
qsSim |
analyzes output of "csSim"
csNED |
cone search NED
objNED |
object search NED
csGaia |
cone search Gaia (DR1,DR2,EDR3)
fnsGaia |
given RA & Dec, find nearest star in Gaia catalog
mdrGaia |
consolidated multi-DR Gaia measurements for given object
cone search NEOWISE light curve
csWISE |
cone search WISE
psSDSS |
get postage stamp from SDSS finder chart service
csPS1_STRM |
cone search PS1 STRM catalog
csChandra |
cone search Chandra catalog
csEPIC |
cone search XMM-Newton EPIC catalog
ulSXRT |
cone search Swift XRT catalog and derive upper limits
csSXPS |
cone search Serendipitous Swift X-ray Catalog
dline |
draw a "%--.." line (for developers)
dependencies |
list the dependency of each tool
bc2top |
given bibcodes, return titles of top papers
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