PSM2023 Presentation Instructions

Meeting Program

Please check the day, time and title for your talk. If no title/abstract are shown here, please send us your title/abstract ASAP.

Talk Duration

  1. For 30min talks: 25 min talk + 5 min for questions.
  2. For 15min talks: 12 min talk + 3 min for questions.

Slides Upload

To minimize switching overheads there will be only one presentation computer. We request all speakers to upload presentation materials to google drive storage folder linked below at least one (1) day IN ADVANCE.

Please use our daily for-purpose deposit folders (with individual session subfolders):

  1. 01 June (session 1 – 4): 01June
  2. 02 June (sessions 5 – 8): 02June
  3. 03 June (session 9): 03June
  4. Poster Lightning Talks (one slide only please): posters

Filename: To disambiguate filenames we recommend your submitted file be named firstInitialLastName.sessionN.ppt/pdf (e.g. ABoden.session9.ppt).

Poster Presenters

Starting 08:00 PDT 01 June we will have poster easels available in the Cahill entryway. The available display space for each poster will be approximately 4’ x 4’ square.

During Session 6/approximately noon Friday 02 June we will have a “lightning” poster description session; poster authors will have one minute to address the meeting on their poster topic supported by one slide. Please deposit your one slide (PDF or PowerPoint) to the posters folder not later than 5p/17:00 Thursday 01 June.

Presentation Format

We support talks in Powerpoint or PDF format.

Thank you for your cooperation and contributions to PSM2023.

Questions? We've answered many common visiting, media, and academic questions in our public FAQ page.
Please share your feedback on this page at the COO Feedback portal.

Presenter instructions / v 0.0.2
Last updated: 30 May 2023 AFB/MMK