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Contact Palomar ObservatoryPalomar Observatory is owned and operated by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, California, and administered by Caltech Optical Observatories, located at the Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics on the Caltech campus. AdministrationChristopher Martin Andrew Boden Rick Burruss Steven Flanders For a complete listing of Observatory staff, please see the Caltech Astronomy Department's directory of technical staff. Employment OpportunitiesPlease check the Caltech Human Resources jobs postings page regularly for employment listings. Contact UsMailing AddressPalomar Observatory Street AddressPalomar Observatory E-mail ContactsFor general questions on outreach and public access, or media inquiries please see our public FAQ.
Additional questions may be posed in email to Palomar Observatory Outreach Coordinator Steven Flanders at sbf [at] astro.caltech.edu.
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Questions? We've answered many common visiting, media, and academic questions in our public FAQ page. | ||||