Site Map

  1. Home

  2. About
    1. About Palomar
    2. Sobre Palomar (en español)
    3. Telescopes
      1. 200-inch Hale Telescope
      2. 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope
      3. 60-inch telescope
      4. Decommissioned telescopes
    4. Affiliated projects
    5. Architecture
    6. History
    7. Personalities
    8. Chronology
    9. Contact

  3. Visitor
    1. Visiting Palomar
      1. Visiting hours
      2. Public areas
      3. Plan your visit
    2. Visite Palomar (en español)
      1. Horario de visita
      2. Áreas públicas
      3. Planifique su visita
      4. Recorrido virtual
    3. Driving directions
    4. Guided tours
    5. Virtual tour
    6. Greenway talks
    7. Visitor Center
      1. Helin exhibit
      2. Luskin kiosk
      3. Spectra exhibit
    8. Visitors Gallery
      1. Current research slideshow
    9. Public frequently asked questions

  4. Observer
    1. Observing at Palomar
      1. Applying for telescope time
      2. Observer travel
      3. Remote observing
      4. Telescope/instrumentation resources
      5. Telescope schedule/instrument settings
      6. Software resources
      7. Additional questions and feedback
    2. Applying for telescope time
    3. Observer travel
      1. Driving information
      2. Shuttle services
      3. Accommodations
      4. Security gate
      5. NAOC-specific information
    4. P200 observer information
      1. P200 telescope
      2. P200 schedule/instrument settings
      3. P200 instruments
      4. P200 CCDs
      5. P200 filters
      6. P200 filter sensitivities and sky background
      7. P200 software resources
      8. P200 autoguider
      9. Observer login
    5. P48 observer information
      1. P48 telescope
      2. P48 instruments
    6. P60 observer information
      1. P60 telescope
      2. P60 instruments
    7. The Palomar Observer newsletter
    8. Seeing and weather
      1. All-sky camera
      2. Seeing monitor
      3. Clear sky chart
      4. HPWREN High Point camera
    9. Observer checklist and frequently asked questions
      1. Checklist
      2. Applying for Palomar time
      3. Telescope & instrument scheduling & configuration
      4. Palomar reservation system
      5. Palomar observing
      6. Various and sundry
    10. Observer support

  5. Community
    1. Palomar's Community
    2. Comunidad (en español)
    3. Staff
    4. Astronomers
    5. Docents
    6. Educational partners
    7. Friends of Palomar Observatory
      1. Events
      2. The Big Eye newsletter
      3. Outreach center
    8. Giving opportunities
    9. Light pollution

  6. Media and News
    1. Media
    2. Medios (en español)
    3. Conditions of use
    4. Observatory media
    5. Hale Telescope media
    6. Samuel Oschin Telescope media
    7. 60-inch telescope media
    8. Historical and vintage media
    9. Astronomical media
    10. Promotional artwork
    11. Live cams
    12. YouTube channel
    13. News

  7. Gift and Book Store

Questions? We've answered many common visiting, media, and academic questions in our public FAQ page.
Please share your feedback on this page at the COO Feedback portal.

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Last updated: 30 June 2021 ACM