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Directions for Astronomy on Tap Volunteer

General Responsibilities

  • Arrive 45 minutes before the start of the event to help with setup (e.g. 6:45PM).
  • Assist the Astronomy on Tap Captain in setting up and taking down the event
  • One person will be given a tally counter for counting the number of people who visit the bar that night. This is useful for our statistics.
  • Wear a badge, and during the intermission periods, please go from table to table asking if people have any astronomy questions. This is a bar, and people came here to talk to people like YOU about science!
  • Close down the event at the end of the event, which should be at about 9:30.
  • One person will need to sell the Astro on Tap merchandise. Instructions on how to do this are at AoTMerch.

Link back to home page.

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Topic revision: r5 - 2019-02-26 - OutreachAdmin
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