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Directions for Lecture Organizer

The Lecture Organizer is a new position created since Cameron is going on leave. This role serves as the person ensuring that a single Lecture/Stargazing event is advertised, staffed, and then concluded properly--essentially that it goes off without a hitch.

Several weeks to a month before the event

  • Create a poster for each event (weeks/months prior to event)
    • I use keynote to create the posters. I have templates.
    • This is usually pretty straightforward just changing text and finding an appropriate background image.
    • Export to PDF and jpg, keeping both under 500k filesize
  • Advertise the event poster (weeks/months prior to event)
    • Print out 1 color copy of the poster and post it in Cahill Lobby several weeks prior to lecture.
    • Post a copy on the outreach website: http://outreach.astro.caltech.edu
    • Create a Facebook event for each lecture/stargazing event
  • Get volunteers for the event
    • Volunteers usually sign up at the semi-annual volunteer meeting
    • Emailing the outreach-volunteers list about opportunities to sign up
    • If still missing people, walk around the department and talk to people directly.

Week before the event
  • Email all of the volunteers, speakers, and MC reminding them of their commitments
  • If anyone is unable to participate, then find a replacement
  • Ensure that the box of materials for the lecture is ready for the event, and includes:
    • ~100 copies of schedule
    • Swag
    • Surveys
    • HDMI cables, audio cables, HDMI adaptors
    • Remote control
    • Badges
    • Tally counter
    • Signs
  • Get the box of equipment to the LectureCaptain
  • Ensure that telescopes, eyepieces, and tarp are present and ready for event.

At the event
  • It isn't strictly necessary that you attend the event, but it would be good to have you there.
  • If you attend, you can act as a backup LectureCaptain or LectureVolunteer or additionally photograph the event

After the event
  • Move event from upcoming events to past events pages
  • Give notes on how it went and attendance numbers
  • Update the website to show the next event and poster: http://outreach.astro.caltech.edu
  • Post the photos taken at the event
    • Sort through your photos and cull them down to only the best ones. We don't need 15 images of the exact same shot.
    • Upload them to our flickr page
    • Create a new album for them following the format from previous albums.
    • Name the event: YYYYMMDD - Lecture & Stargazing: SPEAKER
    • Add in the description the speaker and talk title & abstract
    • Arrange the photos in chronological order (oldest first)
    • Include the poster image in the album.
    • Post these to our social media accounts
  • Make sure all equipment is put back in Cameron's office and is not a mess
    • Ensure that we have all the equipment / materials you gave to the LectureCaptain
      • All badges
      • Telescopes put away
      • Tarp put away
Topic revision: r1 - 2019-06-17 - OutreachAdmin
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